2011年度より発足した オールドラインラボとTeragishido co.,ltd.との共同開発DELTA サウンド・コーポレーション試作機です。
菅球王国63号「実践ラボラトリー」にて特集が組まれたほど音の良さで定評の高いDELTA 機器最短最速な回路を実現し、すべてもパーツは、手作業にて定数マッチングをとり組みつけられており、最終段階にはそのエンジニアが繰り返しヒヤリングし音決めし作り込んであります。
Old line lab and Teragishido co was launched from the 2011 fiscal year . , Developed in collaboration with ltd.DELTA Sound Corporation prototype .Reputation for high DELTA equipment in the goodness of the sound as featured Kantama kingdom No. 63 in the ” practice laboratory ” has been organizedTo achieve the shortest fastest circuit , parts also all , has been assembled to take the constant matching by hand ,The final stage will Yes crowded make Shi decided sound to hearing repeated its engineers .
All discrete , a gain block into a module in the handmade , Each , we assumed the sound quality balance of the best – best . Gain block modules are becoming interchangeable .ゲインブロックは、リアリティーな音質で、特に定評のある通常のFタイプより厳選したパーツで作られた「1960 F」を2個装備しており、定番の「NITORO」あり。音質老化につながるVRは装備せずCAT装備 。レコーディングに使いやすい IN/OUT バランス フォンを装備しています。DELTA BOX では一番シンプルな構造であり、希少なファーストモデルのため念の入った作りです。この仕様で量産していこうという企画でしたが、結局パーツの入手も含め、すごい制作コストがかかり、販売には至らず、このプロトタイプだけで、このプロジェクトは幕を閉じました。今回、新プロジェクトの資金調達のため、販売いたします。Teragishi photo Studio® に現品がございます。要予約になりますが、視聴可能です、お問い合わせください。mail to teragishi@gmail.com
Gain block is , in reality sound quality , especially made of well-established part selected carefully than normal F type ” 1960 F ” equipped with two , “there is NITORO ” classic . VR that lead to quality aging CAT equipment without equipment . Equipped with an easy-to-use IN / OUT balance phone recordings . In DELTA BOX most is a simple structure , it is made that contains the idea for the rare first model . It was planned that going to mass production in this specification , eventually including the availability of parts , it takes a great production cost , but did not make it into the sale , only this prototype , this project was to close the curtain . This time , for the financing of new projects , will be sold . There is the actual product to Teragishi photo Studio®. Will be reservation is needed , but it is available for viewing , please contact us . mail to teragishi@gmail.com
一般販売予定 価格 ¥75.000-今回、新プロジェクトの資金調達のため、販売いたします。Teragishi photo Studio® に現品がございます。要予約になりますが、当システムにて視聴可能です、お問い合わせください。mail to teragishi@gmail.com
Then , although it was planned that going to mass production in this specification , availability of parts , including promotion, labor costs , it takes a great production cost , but did not make it into the sale , only produced this individual and several kinds of prototype , this project was to close the curtain . This time , for the financing of new projects , will be sold . There is the actual product to Teragishi photo Studio®. Although you will reservation is needed , is available for viewing at our system , please contact us . mail to teragishi@gmail.com
Thank you for your viewing ! We look forward to be able to shoot you…
Teragishi photo Studio® photo by K.Teragishi®